Renting a storage unit is a great solution if you run out of space for your belongings. As you evaluate your options, you may notice that some storage facilities offer climate-controlled storage. Essentially, this means that the temperature and humidity levels in the storage unit can be controlled, helping to keep it from getting too hot, too cold, or too humid.

There are quite a few benefits associated with using this type of storage. First, it means that the belongings that you store in the unit won’t be exposed to extreme temperatures. When temperatures get extremely hot or extremely cold, it can cause damage to certain types of items. For instance, if you have a collection of snow globes that you want to store, extremely cold temperatures could cause the water to freeze, cracking the glass of the globes.

Similarly, hot temperatures can also do a lot of damage, causing everything from melted candles to cracked or damaged furniture. Musical instruments, artwork, and other items are particularly susceptible to temperature fluctuations and should be kept in a climate-controlled environment.

Humidity is also extremely problematic when it comes to storage. Any excess moisture that finds its way into the storage unit could wind up damaging documents, photographs, artwork, clothing, or other porous materials that are stored in the space. High humidity levels can lead to mold growth, which can damage or destroy any items that are stored in the unit.

This is another area where it pays to go with a climate-controlled unit. These special units have humidity control built-in, meaning that the air inside will never get too humid for your belongings. This can help prevent damage, ensuring that everything you put in the storage unit stays safe.

One other benefit of these units that you may not have considered is that they can also help protect your belongings from insects or other pests. Standard storage units are poorly sealed. Insects and other pests can easily find their way in through cracks or openings around the doors.

With a climate controlled-unit, on the other hand, the exterior of the unit is tightly sealed. That means that unwanted creatures have a much harder time getting inside. The odds of a pest infestation are much lower when you go with one of these temperature-regulated units.

By now, you should have a much clearer idea of why climate-controlled storage units are so beneficial. They provide superior protection for your belongings. You don’t have to worry about anything that you own getting too hot or too cold. You also don’t have to worry about humidity affecting any of your most valued treasures. The odds of pest infestations are dramatically reduced when you go with one of these units, as well.

Even though renting a climate-controlled unit is usually a little bit more expensive, the cost is easy to justify when you consider how much extra protection these units provide. This is especially true if you are storing items that are delicate, valuable, or sensitive to extreme temperatures.