Are you living with a cold sore? Consider these at-home tips to help you find cold sore relief in no time.

1. Ice

This is one of the best treatment methods for soothing the pain of a cold sore. However, it is important not to apply ice directly to the cold sore, as this can cause damage to the surrounding skin and that of the sore itself. Rather, create a cold compress by wrapping ice in a cloth and apply this to the sore to achieve relief from the sting.

2. Over-the-Counter Creams

While your cold sore, also known as a fever blister, is on the mend, an over-the-counter cream may help you to find relief from the pain. In addition, a cream such as this can help to keep your cold sore moist as it heals to prevent cracking and additional damage to the skin.

3. Pain Relievers

These can provide two-in-one relief when you are suffering from a cold sore. Not only do pain relievers cut down on the sting and discomfort of living with a cold sore, but many of these medications act as anti-inflammatories. This can reduce the swelling and the redness of the cold sore during the time it takes for it to heal.

4. Aloe Vera Gel

This gel is often used to soothe irritated skin, such as skin burned by the sun. Therefore, it makes sense to use aloe vera gel to help soothe the sting of a cold sore. In addition, research conducted in various laboratories has shown that aloe vera gel may help to fight viruses, such as the virus that causes cold sore outbreaks – Herpes Simplex.

5. Avoid Your Triggers

When you have had one or more cold sore pop up, you learn to recognize the signs that one is forming. This is often because of a variety of triggers. While cold sores will not be able to be beaten every time, recognizing the triggers that cause your own fever blisters can assist you in stopping a cold sore in its tracks or in preventing an existing sore getting worse.

One of the major triggers of those living with cold sores is stress. You may not be able to avoid every stressful situation in your life but you certainly can take measures to relax and allow cares to melt away as best as possible. Take up meditation, enjoy a hot bubble bath, read a favorite book, and even go for a walk outdoors. Whatever helps to take your mind off stressors may be able to assist you in having fewer cold sore outbreaks.

6. Don’t Pick

This is a big one. If you have a cold sore, resist the urge to pick at it. Touching a fever blister can move the virus from your mouth to another part of your body, which will make the outbreak even worse. Wash your hands often, especially if you accidentally touch your face, and try to make a conscious effort not to allow your hands near your cold sore.

These at-home tips will help you to achieve cold sore relief when you need it.