If becoming a Certified Internal Auditor is your calling, the best action you can take to ensure that you pass your CIA exam is investing in a review course. And since you’re here, we’re sure that you’re already aware that there are endless options which make your choice of selection even harder. Our article features a few of the best CIA review courses available within the industry to date.

Surgent CIA Review

First on our list is one of the best and it comes straight from Surgent. Surgent has made proper use of technological advances within the industry to create a specially designed course for its users. Users are presented with some of the best practice tests that can be found from a course and they even threw in a study planner. The study planner allows users to perfectly determine the amount of time that they are going to spend as they prepare for one of the most important exams of their life.

Additionally, users can also look forward to receiving daily updates which continues to update their study plan. However, Surgent doesn’t offer any video or audio lectures within their esteemed review program. Beside that one downside, users can look forward to having over 2000 practice questions as well as their guarantee that if for some reason you fail, you’ll receive your money back.

Surgent designed their program with their students in mind and they made it so easy for users to fit it into their daily life. Their state-of-the-art technology also allows users to have their own personal material that was designed especially for them. And as we’ve mentioned before you’ll receive daily updates which keep the productivity flowing.

Wiley CIA Review

Wiley created a specialised mobile app for their students to stay on top of their game. And this particular feature has been known to create an added sense of convenience since users can access info and material anywhere they go, even on the beach. Wiley has also included a wide variety of questions so that students can practice and exams so that they can also get an idea of how they are progressing.

On the down side, this online course doesn’t provide its users with any live sessions or even video lectures. With that said, we’ve got a bit more bad news, the Wiley app isn’t available for Android users so you won’t be able to use your tablet or smart phone if you’re on Android. On the bright side, when you choose Wiley, you’ll be able to access over 5000 practice questions and they also offer a money back guarantee if you happen to fail your exam.

So, don’t get too discouraged, with the mobile app because you’ll still be able to access some really great content via a different source. And users will also be able to understand material that they didn’t before.

Gleim CIA Review

Last on our best CIA review courses, is one that comes from Gleim. Gleim has gone above and beyond with their program and they have even made personal tutors available for all those who enrol within their program. However, unlike other courses, you’ll typically need to pay for a private tutor, but in this case, you don’t have to because they’ve got you covered. Gleim has also made available to its users, a wide variety of specialised practice tests.

A huge advantage to using Gleim is that it is offered in Spanish and of course there are even endless questions which are also offered in Spanish. Students also have a rehearsal mode that goes on to effectively prepare them with a computer exam that can be compared to their actual CIA final exam. And as we’ve said before, users get access to and endless pool of questions and thus far, there are over 3000. Gleim also offers its students the comfort of knowing that if for some reason they do not pass, they can receive their money back.

Several industry experts have compared Gleim with other courses and were impressed at how exceptional their course was. And it has also been considered as being not only insightful but a huge assistance to all of those who actually need a personal tutor. Additionally, their final exam prep is unlike any other since it gives students a chance to see what the real deal is like. Gleim has gone to exceptional measures to ensure that their students have more than enough material to make full use of as they prepare for their CIA exams.

Due to their Spanish capabilities, they have also made it easier for those who do not speak English and are interested in their program. And like we’ve said before, all of the material and questions are also available in Spanish.

As we conclude we have just looked at the 3 best CIA review courses. Remember that there are other options than that mentioned, however, keep in mind that there are also so many scammers on the market. Invest today and make your future brighter!