What Is Agile Digital Marketing?

Agile Digital Marketing is basically a technique that deals with advertising and gets its determination from agile programming advancement. The main goals of agile marketing are to enhance productivity, straightforwardness, versatility, consistency and speed. Essentially, it’s a technique of managing your campaigns, projects and marketing department that assists you to deal with the customers’ evolving needs, the fluctuating priorities as well as new and advanced technological developments.

There are a few ways this is achieved, through:

– Making use of adaptive strategic planning
– Allowing a quick response to various industry developments
– Working in iterations
– Communicating in a genuine and transparent way

Large corporations stayed away from this kind of marketing in the past. They would avoid agile marketing by implementing various policies, rules and systems. In the modern world, however, the social era demands more honesty and transparency, and so companies can’t maintain their old habits. An excellent agile marketing strategy embraces the unexpected by keenly listening, making a response and adapting to the many demands of both the industry and the customers.

Implementation of Agile Digital Marketing

You have already gained knowledge of the essential components of agile. Now let’s take a look at the ways you could implement agile digital marketing to your particular business. But how do you implement an agile strategy to your business?

First, it’s crucial to note that all sizes of businesses can utilize this technique. Also, you don’t require a large team to begin using agile strategies since all it takes is a bit of creativity and lots of dedication. With those things, you’re ready to start.

Setup a System for Listening

A good agile strategy starts once you embrace listening. You should have an ear to the ground; otherwise, you could miss out on excellent opportunities that could make an impact. The way you choose to listen relies on your preferences, but I’ve put down a list of a few different options.

Social Media

If you’re looking for an ideal platform for agile marketing, social media is the best place to start. A combination of Twitter and Reddit are great for receiving breaking news. Facebook is also becoming a matching competitor for this requirement, as well. It’s prudent that you devote yourself to a social listening dashboard such as Sprout Social or Hootsuite, which will make it easy to be up-to-date with keywords, trends and accounts.

Google Alerts

Set a Google Alert for appropriate phrases and keywords to your company. Ensure to only select keywords relevant to breaking news, or else you’ll be left with a crowded inbox.

Get Ready to Respond Quickly

This is usually an advantage for small businesses. Startups and small businesses can get great exposure by utilizing strategic, agile marketing. Large corporations, however, often require to go through lots of policies and lawyers. The faster you make a response, the better.

Follow an Iterative Process

Majority of marketing strategies out there utilize a waterfall methodology, which involves following a development process that depends on completing rigorous steps in consecutive order. In your marketing efforts, try to stick to an iterative process that includes quickly accessing the campaign’s results, testing the hypothesis, and refining your strategy to allow new findings.